Wednesday, November 30, 2011

James O'Keefe, around every corner for Adam Shriver

Adam Shriver, in the previously mentioned whiny blog post, claims that since we didn't explicitly deny O'Keefe's involvement in this project, he must be involved. Because we don't have a triplicate-stamped, notarized copy from O'Keefe denying his involvement, clearly he's involved.

For whatever reason, James O'Keefe makes the left in this country irrationally mad. During a time of triumph, Obama's 2008 election, O'Keefe brought the scandal and disgust of left-wing organizing into the light. For that, he will never be forgiven. For that, they will look at every flipcam and wonder if O'Keefe's fingerprints are on it.

Yes, Adam Shriver, you have figured us all out. Adam Shriver, from your laptop in Starbucks, you have uncovered video Watergate, and single-handedly brought down the Breitbart media empire by making false accusations that James O'Keefe is running every center-right video project.

James O'Keefe is our secret father-guide who steers our projects and decides our content. We learn our tactics from him, we learn how to live from him. We have all internalized his lengthy biography, and constantly quote him to one another. James is our guiding light, our father-leader. He is what Obama and Noam Chomsky are to you, all in one.

Everything we do, we owe to James, and everything you say is correct. We are all pregnant with the children of O'Keefe, waiting to birth his video children and unleash them upon Philosophy adjuncts like yourself.

In a way, we are all James O'Keefe. In a way, none of us are James O'Keefe.

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