Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shriver: Lying and Incapable of taking a joke

Part of the narcissism and personality disorder that is Adam Shriver, Washington University's favorite adjunct blogger, is both his inability to take a joke and his obsessive focus on your friends at Insurgent Visuals.

Since we have day jobs, we don't post every day like Adam. Since we released the content to the Breitbart team, we let them run with the story and handle it their way. But to Adam Shriver, that just shows that we're liars, Shriver's just insane. His complaints make no sense. He repeats charges over and over, to make the 'big lie' true simply through repetition.

You can almost picture him, alone, in a relative's basement, or sipping latte at a Starbucks, saying "they're liars!" over and over in his head until it's true.

Adam is apparently also upset that he can't stalk our team's female members. So, we temporarily changed our profile pictures. Perhaps he'll have an easier time finding us now that we've used our real pictures on our about page.

In the meantime, if you have serious inquiries or questions, email us at

Oh, and for as much as Shriver wants to distract to issues of website design, profile pictures, tineye, etc., the central point in the UMKC violence videos, which was always in context, which no amount of left-wing spin can change, is that Judy Ancel said that violence is a tactic to be used when appropriate in politics, Don Giljum bragged about industrial sabotage and starting riots, and students at several colleges in Missouri were indoctrinated into radical left-wing political violence.

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